SMASH IT UP, AGAIN… Edinburgh Fringe

150 150 Gareth Clark
The days begin to blur just like my eyesight. Late nights, early mornings, the everyday routine of searching for news worthy reports of our endeavours and then a concerted effort to hand out fliers on the streets. We are using every medium, social media, word of mouth, street actions and performances and yet still it’s very difficult to pull a crowd of more than 20. It affects my moral at times. Those that have come to see the show have been positive, complimentary and moved. The Amnesty International judges announce that we have been long listed for the Freedom of Expression Award. The first judge gives us such a glowing report that we are moved by her passion for the work. These are the moments that keep you going.
Whilst walking through the city with signs and in silence a young man walks purposely past me and utters ‘great show last night’. Some of the other performers from other companies at Summerhall have visited and given us great feedback. Even the ever popular Mark Thomas checked us out, paid incredible attention to all aspects of the performance and gave us the celebrity thumbs up. Mark re-tweeted one of our tweets and then so did Richard Fairbrass of Right Said Fred and for a brief moment we were in a delirium of marketing joy. It is these moments that keep you sane or perhaps add to the insanity. It may well take a while to re-acclimatise and therapy might be needed post Edinburgh. However right now as the fatigue of the campaign takes on new forms the emotions are close to the surface and a kind word or a critical sneer can affect the mood exponentially.
Our first reviews are not bad. They are however rated as 3 stars. Review stars are like currency and all companies are on the streets and social media trading with stars to entice new investors. 3 doesn’t really cut it. However some of the comments are most noteworthy and we go through the laborious routine of printing them out and stapling them to our fliers. A task that can be as mind numbingly cathartic as it can be irritating. There is no doubt that the Fringe is not for the faint hearted. There is immense financial risk, exposure that is both artistically important and potentially damning. However the experience in terms of testing your mettle is an irreplaceable one. This time we have a team and this is something really important as all are fully committed to the cause. Helen, who is 7 months pregnant, is not merely lighting the show she is on the streets everyday with fists full of fliers and a desire to engage. Steve and Drew work tirelessly to edit new promotional material. All are such splendid company that any frustration is easily lifted with some witty banter.
We are in it together and this feels representative of what Smash It Up stands for. We are a creative community working together, committed to a cause and willing to work hard to promote our freedom of expression. I think this is what Amnesty saw in the show and we look forward to where this might take us…. a press release is imminent announcing the short list for the award and to make that would be incredibly exciting.
Ten shows done, five to go. Edinburgh we want to go out with a bang. Be with us… for a while, and we will remain strong.

SMASH IT UP is at Summerhall 15 – 29 August

Supported by Arts Council Wales and Wales Arts International

Smash It Up

Gareth Clark

All stories by: Gareth Clark