Directed by Gareth Clark and featuring performance artist Jonny Cotsen, Louder is Not Always Clearer is the first Mr and Mrs Clark show featuring neither Mr or Mrs Clark as performers.
Jonny is a teacher, facilitator, a workshop leader a campaigner and an artist. His friends say he’s outgoing and popular and that he loves music, festivals and nightclubs.
Jonny is deaf
‘Louder Is Not Always Clearer’ is a multimedia, sensory experience that allows both deaf and hearing audiences to explore the importance and struggle of connection with others; an honest portrayal of the vulnerability of a deaf man, created and performed by a deaf man.
Through experimental sound design, visual effects, and physical theatre Jonny draws the audience just a little way into his world to share his story on many different levels.
The show is accessible to D/deaf, hard of hearing and hearing audiences through the use of spoken English, British Sign Language and creative captions.
Check out the trailer:
Where and when
Chapter Arts: Tuesday 6th – Saturday 10th February 2018
Taliesin Arts Centre: Thursday 22nd February 2018
Torch theatre: Friday 20th April 2018