Electioneering / Ymgyrchu

Electioneering / Ymgyrchu

After a year of incredible election results, streams of political rhetoric, and fanatical posturing Mr and Mrs Clark explore the body postures, facial expressions and hand gestures of those promising to hand back control and make their countries great, again.

‘Electioneering’ is the plight of two politically ambitious characters applying the fictitious self-help CD A Dummy’s Guide to Becoming a Successful Politician in an hilarious attempt to improve their standing with the public. How will you vote?


Wedi blwyddyn o ganlyniadau etholiadol anhygoel, areithio diddiwedd ac ystumio ffals, Mae Mr a Mrs Clark yn ymchwilio a dysgu sut i ddefnyddio’r corff, ystumiau’r wyneb a’r dwylo gan y rhai sy’n addo rhoi rheolaeth yn ôl ac i greu gwledydd pwerus, unwaith eto.

‘Ymgyrchu’ yw hanes dau gymeriad sy’n wleidyddol uchelgeisiol sy’n defnyddio’r CD hunan-help ffug ‘A Dummy’s Guide to Becoming a Successful Politician’ mewn ymdrech mor ddigri i wella eu poblogrwydd ymysg y cyhoedd. Sut fyddwch chi’n pleidleisio?

Wedi’i gomisiynu gan Articulture, mewn cydweithrediad â Chonsortiwm Comisiynu Celfyddydau Awyr Agored Cymru. Wedi’i gefnogi gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.


Photo: Keith Morris

Commissioned by Articulture, in collaboration with the Wales Outdoor Arts Commissioning Consortium. Supported by the Arts Council Of Wales. Celfyddydau Cymru.

Project Details

Performers: Gareth Clark and Marega Palser Music/Sound Design: Tom Raybould Choreography: Catherine Bennett Set/Costume Design: Becky Davies